Converting Patients to Virtual Visits with Darryl Yardley

Converting Patients to Virtual Visits with Darryl Yardley
1 hour
The instructors
About the Webinar
Now that we are entering a new normal and re-opening is underway, there are lots of questions and concerns about patient care post COVID-19, including:
- How do you decide which patients require in-person care vs patients suited for virtual vs those who would do best with a hybrid approach?
- What are the best ways to market your practice in the ‘new normal’, including educating doctors, partners, and other referral sources about your upgraded practice?
- What types of assessments and treatments are suited for virtual care?
You probably have many other questions as well! To help you figure it out, we’ve got Darryl Yardley to answer all of your questions in a free Ask Me Anything 60-minute webinar.
Darryl Yardley is a physiotherapist and founder of Mentorship Bootcamp, a program that offers clinicians business training and career coaching.
So join us in a live webinar on Monday, May 25, for an open Q&A session. Bring your questions and fire away—this is the webinar that's all about YOU.
Top concerns that we will address on this webinar:
- Who is appropriate of virtual care
- How to perform an effective assessment
- Marketing of your services
This webinar series is perfect for physiotherapists and relevant to all healthcare professionals.
The Details:
Date: Monday, May 25, 2020
Time: 8 pm EST
Run Time: 1 Hour
Save your spot for this live one hour Ask Me Anything Webinar with Darryl Yardley. Register below (you must be signed into Embodia in order to register).
WARNING: Space is limited to the first 1000 clinicians who register.
Claim your spot now!
The instructors

PT, B.Kin (Hons), M.Sc.(PT), M.Cl.Sc.(Manip), FCAMPT
Darryl has been a physical therapist for more than a decade. He is a clinic owner and the Chief Operating Officer for Clinic Accelerator where he supports 500+ clinic owners with their operations, recruitment and clinician performance. He has mentored and helped thousands of Physical Therapists become all-star clinicians, clinic directors, and equity partners. He is past chair of the Private Practice Section of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, co-author of "Diagnosis and Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement", and is a professor of Business and Leadership in Physical Therapy at Western University.