The Role of Occupational Therapists in Cancer Care

The Role of Occupational Therapists in Cancer Care
1 hour
The instructors
The goal of the webinar is to introduce the role of OT in cancer care. Through a case study, we will explore common occupational performance issues, assessments, and interventions in this complex population.
This session is part of the webinar series - Exploring Occupational Therapy: A Free Webinar Series on Key Areas of Practice
Who Should Attend
This webinar is ideal for occupational therapists and anyone interested in expanding their cancer care toolkit. This webinar is also for physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other rehabilitation therapists who are curious to better understand the role of occupational therapists in oncology!
Live Stream on YouTube
If you can't join live, don't worry! We will stream the live webinar to our YouTube channel and leave it up for 48 hours after the live webinar. You can subscribe to Embodia's YouTube channel here.
The instructors