Physiotherapy Considerations in Pediatric Oncology

Physiotherapy Considerations in Pediatric Oncology
1 hour
A pediatric cancer diagnosis is very disruptive to the child and family’s life; treatment typically involves prolonged and/or frequent hospitalizations and months to years of chemotherapy. Children requiring physiotherapy as part of their cancer treatment would benefit from services close to home and in their community. The incidence of pediatric cancer is rare; even veteran physiotherapists are likely to have little exposure to working with this population.
Evidence is emerging of the importance of the role of the physiotherapist to assess and treat both short term and long-term side effects from pediatric cancer treatment. With a little background knowledge in the basics of pediatric cancers and side effects of cancer treatment, physiotherapists should be able to use skills already in their wheelhouse to assess and treat this population.
Join the Paediatric Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) for this live webinar - Physiotherapy Considerations in Pediatric Oncology: Practical things to know when working with children & teens with a diagnosis of cancer.
Speaker: Sara Fisher
Sara Fisher is a pediatric physiotherapist who has worked with children in Canada, Australia, and Peru. She is currently the lead physiotherapist for the Northern Alberta Children’s Cancer Care program out of the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. Sara is putting evidence into practice and has started a rehabilitation oncology program in the hallways of the oncology clinic.
Please Note: This webinar will NOT be recorded.
The instructors

The Paediatric Division is a special interest group within the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Our membership consists of clinicians from all practice settings, students, educators, researchers, physiotherapy assistants and administrators all of whom have a passion for promoting participation and enhancing the lives of children and their families. We are dedicated to provide resources and information for paediatric patients and their families to promote participation and function independence in all aspects of life.
Paediatric physiotherapists employ clinical expertise in the early detection of health problems, treatment, education and management of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, cardiorespiratory or acquired disorders/diseases. Paediatric physiotherapists work with children of all ages, from infants through young adulthood to promote participation and functional independence. Paediatric physiotherapists have a unique role in that they not only work with the child, but also their families in the context of their daily home, school and recreational environment.
Paediatric physiotherapists use validated outcome measures to assess the level of strength, flexibility, gross-, and fine-motor coordination and overall functional capabilities to determine participation limitations or restrictions as a result of injury, disease or disability.
Through analysis of objective assessment findings, the paediatric physiotherapist uses evidence-based treatment interventions specifically tailored to the client and their family's goals. Treatment interventions focus on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance, as well as cognitive and sensory processing/integration.