Infant Feeding Support: Q and A with Clinician Mercedes Eustergerling

Infant Feeding Support: Q and A with Clinician Mercedes Eustergerling
1 hour
The instructors
Infant feeding support is a relatively new and growing area of practice for physiotherapists. Although we have been helping dyads (moms and babies) with some aspects of feeding for a long time, the systematic assessment and management of breast and bottle feeding is not practiced by many physiotherapists in Canada. Our extensive understanding of infant anatomy, development, and neurophysiology make us a great asset to those who need help with this functional activity.
This 60-minute webinar is offered in a Q&A format. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the role of physiotherapists in infant feeding support, see clinical practice guidelines for special pediatric populations, hear about new research and courses, and pose questions to a clinician in this field. Please bring your questions and come prepared for a discussion!
Learning Objectives
- learn about the role of physiotherapists in infant feeding support,
- see clinical practice guidelines for special pediatric populations,
- hear about new research and courses,
- pose questions to a clinician in this field.
Mercedes is a women’s health physiotherapist and the founder of Vida Health & Wellness in Calgary, Alberta. She received a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Calgary in 2008, a Master of Physical Therapy from the University of Western Ontario in 2010, a post-graduate certificate in pain management from the University of Alberta in 2014, and a Master of Health Management from McMaster University in 2018.
Mercedes has unique experience in physiotherapy for breastfeeding support and is an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). She is passionate about bringing a physiotherapy approach to the lactation world and bringing lactation into the physiotherapy practice. Mercedes conducts research on breastfeeding and lactation-related conditions, and she teaches courses on infant feeding for health professionals across North America.
The instructors