Ask Me Anything with Dave Walton & Jim Elliott

Ask Me Anything with Dave Walton & Jim Elliott
1 hour
Join Dave Walton & Jim Elliott for a one hour Ask Me Anything complimentary webinar. We will discuss all things:
- Pain science
- Trauma
- Clinics measurement and prediction
- Psychology on PT
- Neuroimaging
- The infleunce of tech on PT practice
- Innovation, and
- The future of the physiotherapy profession.
This is an interactive webinar and you will have the chance to vote on topics of conversation, ask questions and interact in the chat forum with the panelists and other attendees.
About the Panelists
James "Jim" Elliott, PT, PhD FAPTA
Jim completed his PhD at the University of Queensland, Australia (UQ) in 2007 and a post-doctoral fellowship (2010) also at UQ (CCRE-Spine).
He is currently a Professor of Allied Health in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney and the Northern Sydney Local Health District. Prior to this, Jim was a tenure-track Associate Professor in the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, USA, where he remains an adjunct Professor and Principal Investigator of the Neuromuscular Imaging Research Laboratory.
Dave Walton, PT, PhD
Following a 10-year clinical career, Dave completed his PhD at Western University (London Ontario) in 2010 where he is now Associate Professor in the School of Physical Therapy and Director of the Pain and Quality of Life Integrative Research Lab, Honorary Associate Professor with the Discipline of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney, and Associate Editor of the scientific journal Musculoskeletal Science and Practice.
He is the Principal Investigator on a number of large-scale initiatives including the SYMBIOME acute trauma recovery cohort study and the Physio Moves Canada qualitative exploration of threats, opportunities, and innovations for physiotherapy practice in Canada. He currently holds the titles of Faculty Scholar, Teaching Fellow, and MayDay Pain and Society Fellow, and has just completed a role as one of the co-leaders of the 2018 Global Year for Excellence in Pain Education.