How To Prepare For A Recession as a Healthcare Professional

How To Prepare For A Recession as a Healthcare Professional
1 hour
The instructors
2022 has been quite a challenging year in the financial markets. And in a few other markets as well including the real estate market and especially the supermarket.
You don't have to be someone who owns investments to feel the effects of inflation, recessionary headwinds, rising interest rates, and slowing economic growth.
Whereas in 2021 the economy was rather bright. Now all of a sudden you’ve noticed either through radio, social media, watercooler chat, or the business news, phrases like these being tossed around:
- Global recession
- Bear market
- Stock market crash
- The crypto market is blowing up
- Interest rates rising
- Inflation is soaring
- The impending housing market implosion
- Is my pension safe?
Learning Objectives:
In this free webinar, Robin Valadares will be reviewing a few of the more common topics he's been consulting on this year.
There's no shock that they are all things very pertinent to today's economic environment. We will discuss some strategies that have worked in other similar climates, what are alternative assets, how compound interest is truly a remarkable force, and how to be aware of the eroding effects of inflation.
Robin will also discuss the following topics:
- Should I Wait Until the Market Bottoms Before investing? Time in vs Timing the Market
- Spenders/Savers/Investors and the Impact of Inflation on Your Wealth
- The Power of Compound Interest and Importance of Starting Early
- Introduction to Alternative Asset Classes (Fine Art, Crypto, Fine Wine/Whiskey)
This webinar is created for healthcare professionals (Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational, Athletic, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Kinesiologists) and Young Professionals.
It is best suited for individuals who have some curiosity about improving their financial futures but require some guidance as to where to start and what options are available to them.
You may be a total novice in this area or someone who is quite experienced and looking to gain an edge. You may be looking to diversify your income stream as a healthcare professional and don’t know where to start or what possible mistakes to avoid. Heck, you could be just someone looking to absorb and learn from others and specific issues and situations they are looking to navigate!
Remember we are all doing our best to sort through this and achieve a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Join Robin for this free webinar to better understand how to navigate these turbulent times.
The instructors

While completing my undergraduate degree at Queen’s University in Kinesiology, I was the varsity Basketball trainer, helping athletes with their off and on the court training and rehabilitation. I then continued my education by obtaining my Masters of Science in Physiotherapy at McMaster University.
I am extremely sports-oriented; a previous soccer player, and having a large passion for the game, I was fortunate enough to be selected to work as a soccer on-field therapist at the 2015 Pan Am games.
I do have a special interest in manual therapy and have obtained my level 3 certification from the Orthopedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. My love of golf has spilled over from playing it avidly to being credentialed through the Titleist Performance Institute as a Medical Level 3 practitioner for golf-specific rehabilitation. In the spirit of progressing the profession of physiotherapy I have been appointed as an Associate Clinical Professor (Adjunct) in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences at McMaster University.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being a Physiotherapist and I’m truly blessed that I can go to work with a smile on my face knowing that I am making a positive impact on my client’s life.
I knew that being a Physiotherapist would not solely lead to my goals of retiring early and enjoying my middle (and not my golden) years living on my schedule and not trading my time for money.
Throughout my 9 years + of being a practicing Physiotherapist, I’ve been fortunate enough to complete several manual therapy, exercise, concussion, golf-specific courses (the traditional path- find a niche, expand your therapeutic tool kit and own it) courses. It was in those courses that I came across experienced practitioners to novices all on the same journey, to become successful practitioners and skilled technicians. Just the way our traditional education system (TES) always promised us.
What our TES did not teach us (at least not me) was how to get out of student debt, the difference between a TFSA and RRSP, what the stock market is, how to buy my first home, why saving money may make me less wealthy. Instead, my brain was filled with stoichiometry, the quadratic formula, how to ‘feel’ an intervertebral motion, and how to stress test the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament.
I was fed up circling around the rat race and devised a plan to get out of it.