Introduction to the BET PhysioPilates Treatment System

Introduction to the BET PhysioPilates Treatment System
1 hour
The instructors
Are you frustrated that you are not quite getting to the root cause of your clients’ recurrent or ongoing condition?
Are you increasingly mindful of the biopsychosocial aspects that contribute to recurrent or ongoing pain AND you know fundamentally that something is off with your clients bio-mechanics that predisposes them to chronicity?
I knew I was not doing my best as a ‘movement specialist’ after leaving neurorehabilitation for orthopaedics. This was also before I was exposed to Pilates and Julia Ellis in a Hong Kong dance studio 30 years ago.
There I immediately saw that Pilates training modified as a Physiotherapy modality would integrate neurorehabilitation methods with orthopaedic musculoskeletal practice!
Join This Free Live Webinar about BET PhysioPilates:
I would like to invite you (virtually) into my Toronto studio to learn about the BET PhysioPilates treatment system.
In this live webinar, I will illustrate how assessment and treatment in this system can address posture and movement imbalances contributing to poor biomechanics and motor control.
This live webinar will introduce you to the evidence-based, progressive, and systematic PhysioPilates system that my colleagues and I have utilized successfully in Hong Kong, Canada and other countries since 1993 and, that I have taught to physiotherapists internationally since 1997.
A key element to success with this system is something we think we know a lot about as physios but in fact, almost 30 years ago, I did not know much about at all – and that is the Power of Posture!
- Posture is a verb!
- Posture is movement
- Posture is empowering
Posture IS the foundation for movement.
Posture represents an integrated balancing act of the cortical, neurological, muscular, and skeletal systems at any point in time in order to maintain the control of the trunk and limb girdles and thereby influence movement.
BET PhysioPilates is a modified Pilates exercise training system and can be a valuable rehabilitation tool in the restoration of posture control and in establishing control back to the ‘centre’ / back to the trunk. The neuromuscular control of the trunk and limb girdle muscles are re-educated following the principles of motor control and motor learning theory.
Join Rochenda Howard to enhance your practice and shift your treatment paradigm!
In this live webinar, you will:
- Gain a unique and practical insight into the control of Posture, an underlying principle that influences movement dysfunction and the perpetuation of painful conditions in a musculoskeletal population.
- Be introduced in the studio environment to a case demonstration that practically illustrates how a problem with posture control may be systematically addressed through this PhysioPilates approach, including home follow up
If you are interested in training further in the BET PhysioPilates system consider taking Level 1: This course is offered in 2 parts via a hybrid model with both online and in-person learning
- Introduction to Theoretical and Practical Pilates-based Neuromuscular Re-education Concepts and Exercise Intervention
- Basic Assessment and Treatment of Neuromuscular Control with Pilates-based Exercise Intervention
The concepts and skills learned can be seamlessly integrated into your current treatment approach and require no special Pilates equipment.
Contact Rochenda Howard at or, Susan Ting in Vancouver at for more information.
The instructors

B.A. (P.E.), B.Sc.P.T., M.Sc.
Rochenda is a Physiotherapist and graduated from the University of Toronto. Additionally, she holds a B.A. in Physical Education (University of Western Ontario) and an M.Sc. Research degree in Rehabilitation Therapy (Queens University, Canada).
Rochenda has a special interest in muscle function and motor learning and in how biomechanical and muscle / movement imbalances contribute to painful conditions. She has continued to pursue this passion for more than 25 years, focusing exclusively on the development of a PILATES–based Physiotherapy treatment system. While living in Hong Kong Rochenda had the privilege to work extensively with Julia Ellis (RBS (TTC), FISTD, ARAD), a gifted ballet teacher, choreographer and Pilates ‘guru’ and together they founded the successful BET Pilates Centre in 1994. They were the first to introduce Pilates in Hong Kong and East Asia and the first in the region to offer an exclusively Pilates –based Physiotherapy approach. In 2013, Rochenda returned to her native Toronto and established a small PhysioPilates clinic in the West- end where she continues to maintain a full-time practice. In 2006, Rochenda published the first rigorously designed research study on a Pilates - based physiotherapy intervention, the results of this study presented at several conferences internationally.
Rochenda is a passionate educator having co-developed the BET Pilates training curriculum and she has been active internationally teaching and mentoring Physiotherapists in this system since 1996.
In her spare time, Rochenda enjoys competitive swimming, outdoor activities, cycling, travel, spending time with her two daughters and a good espresso.
Contact Information:; (647) 748-1889;