Oncology Care in Physiotherapy Practice

Oncology Care in Physiotherapy Practice
1 hour
The instructors
In the second episode of the webinar Expert Series, we sat down with Jodi Steele & Kate Smith to discuss entrepreneurship and oncology. This webinar is now passed, but you can find the recording by clicking here.
Topics for this webinar will include:
- The top lessons learned starting and running a clinic
- How to advertise your clinic and get new patients
- The basic strategies and tips for working with patients who have cancer
- What are the common contraindications for those with exercise
The Panelists:
Jodi Steele, BKin, RPT

Jodi earned her kinesiology degree in 1997 and a physiotherapy degree in 1999 from McMaster University. Upon graduation she co-developed an oncology rehabilitation program, Cancer Rehab-The Next Step. In 2005 her husband joined her and founded Cancer Rehab Inc., Canada’s first not-for-profit cancer rehabilitation centre.
In 2009, Jodi designed, developed and launched Wellspring’s Cancer Exercise Program, which continues to be delivered at sites throughout southern Ontario. For her innovative contributions to society, Jodi received the 2009 Arch Award from McMaster University.
Presently Jodi is a professor at Niagara College. She continues to educate peers through educational lectures focusing on cancer exercise and rehabilitation for health care professionals and lymphedema management in the home care setting.
Kate Smith, BKin., RKin., MSc. Onc.

Kate has a Masters in Oncology and a background in Kinesiology and is focused on helping people living with cancer improve how they think, feel and function. Kate facilitates Cancer Exercise and Maximum Capacity’s Brain Fog programming at Wellspring Cancer Support Centres in the greater Toronto area (GTA). Kate believes that physical, cognitive and emotional rehabilitation after a cancer diagnosis is an important step in empowering people living with cancer.
The instructors

B.Kin, B.H.Sc (PT)
Jodi earned her kinesiology degree in 1997 and a physiotherapy degree in 1999 from McMaster University. In 2005, she founded Cancer Rehab Inc., a not-for-profit centre aimed at improving the lives of those living with cancer. Jodi recognized that individuals undergoing cancer treatments experience side effects such as lymphedema, fatigue, mobility issues and depression. Until 2009, the clinic provided exercise-based rehabilitation services that were previously unavailable in Canada.
In 2009, Jodi designed, developed and launched Wellspring’s Cancer Exercise Program. Wellspring’s program, similar to what was offered at Cancer Rehab Inc., is now accessed throughout southern Ontario at five locations. She continues to work with Wellspring Niagara as a program leader for in-person and online exercise classes. Jodi is also a professor at Niagara College, teaching in multiple programs: Fitness, PSW, OT/PT Assistant, Massage Therapy, and International Nursing.
Jodi first taught Rehab Techniques in Oncology in 2007, and in 2017, she began offering additional professional education courses online through Embodia, a digital healthcare platform.

BKin., RKin., MSc. Onc.
Kate has a Masters in Oncology and a background in Kinesiology and is focused on helping people living with cancer improve how they think, feel and function. Kate facilitates Cancer Exercise and Maximum Capacity’s Brain Fog programming at Wellspring Cancer Support Centres in the greater Toronto area (GTA). Kate believes that physical, cognitive and emotional rehabilitation after a cancer diagnosis is an important step in empowering people living with cancer.