Poster Presentation: Perceptions of Re-ablement for increasing independence by older adults and families

Poster Presentation: Perceptions of Re-ablement for increasing independence by older adults and families
Jun 12, 2019 - 00:00 (EDT)
30 minutes
30 minutes
Service Evaluation on the experiences of older adults of reablement they have received to increase their independence levels. Re-ablement has been shown to increase independence levels post ill health. What we do not know is why some recipients have recurrent admissions to hospitals and such centers.
Reasons why someone should sign up for the event
1. Discusses psychological well being of older adults.
2. Discusses innovation in older adults’ management.
Doreen Caesar ( Advanced Physiotherapist, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, UK),
Alexandra Morley(Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiotherapy, Sheffield Hallam University, UK)