Developing a Rehab Program for People with Persistent Pain Problems

Developing a Rehab Program for People with Persistent Pain Problems
1 hour
The instructors
The word CHANGE can be a difficult concept for patients to both appreciate and understand when they are in a rehabilitation program.
The provider is often faced with questions like ‘when am I going to be fine/ normal/ o.k.? When am I going to be ‘back to work’?
It can be challenging for an exercise/ health provider to explain often ‘invisible’ conditions and develop treatment goals while emphasizing the importance of self-management 24/7.
This free webinar will provide healthcare providers with a framework to assist a patient to work through this process.
Good treatment and management of every physiotherapy patient ideally includes an understanding of their condition, as well as the provision of tools needed to incorporate what they have learned into their daily activities.
And yet, some clinicians ‘treat’ without explanation’, while others remain hesitant about providing anything other than exercise.
Treating a patient with ‘persistent pain’- an invisible problem - can be challenging!
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the complexity of the word PAIN and to develop a better pain vocabulary with which to dialogue with patients.
- To engage patients in a step-by-step process to control their noxious or nuisance symptoms and develop a plan about how to increase exercise and ADL activities.
- To reinforce the fact that persistent pain management is a 24/7 process and that each person must develop their own ‘ammunition’ to stay as active and as symptom-free as possible.
This free webinar is available to all healthcare practitioners including, but not limited to, physiotherapists (physical therapists), occupational therapists, kinesiologists, athletic therapists, physiotherapy and occupational assistants (PTAs/OTAs), chiropractors, and massage therapists.
Other Relevant Information:
Participants will be introduced to a free online educational website authored by Gloria Gilbert: Don’t Go to the Ouch!
It is anticipated that ‘treatment programs ’ can be more effective if both patient and provider have access to resources that will emphasize the importance of self-management.
Register for this free webinar below! Note: You must be logged in to Embodia to register. Registration is limited to the first 500 participants.
The instructors

PT. (M.Sc)
A graduate of the first-degree program in Physiotherapy at McGill University in 1967, Gloria’s interest in the management of the person with persistent pain really began in 1982.
She opened a private Clinic in London, The Downtown Clinic, Physiotherapy & Health Counselling at a time when the Ministry of Health removed the funding for physiotherapy services. Many of the initial patients Gloria treated in her Clinic were those with long-standing chronic medical conditions or post-trauma pain. It proved to be the ideal cohort of patients to learn about persistent pain management by ‘by listening and treating’
A solo practitioner for 33 years, The Downtown Clinic officially closed in 2015. Gloria continues her involvement in the physiotherapy milieu as an educator and mentor. She remains available on consultation to discuss specific patient concerns.
In 2002, Gloria M.Sc. (PT) from Western. Thesis title:” Cervico-cephalic kinaesthesia in people with chronic neck pain”.
In 2011, Gloria was awarded a Life Membership by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
In 2016, the Gloria Gilbert Chronic Pain Award at McGill was established, which is awarded annually to a physiotherapy student presenting at a national or international pain forum.
In 2010 Gloria became a Diplomate of the Canadian Academy of Pain Management (ongoing credentialing)