Together to Create a New Standard for Physiotherapy in Canada: An Overview and Update on the PEP Project

Together to Create a New Standard for Physiotherapy in Canada: An Overview and Update on the PEP Project
1 hour
The instructors
Pain is a major problem for millions of Canadians and a primary reason for physiotherapy (PT) consultation. Yet, many graduating physiotherapists feel unprepared to care for patients suffering from pain.
The Pain Education in Physiotherapy (PEP) project is a national initiative that aims to address this challenge by working with PT stakeholders from across the country to improve entry-level training in pain management. This project brings together PT pain educators and directors from each of the 15 Canadian PT programs, as well as representatives of PT students, recent PT graduates, and Canadians living with pain.
This presentation aims to provide an overview of our work together over the past seven years, as well as our plans for the future. This includes a discussion of previous achievements, such as the development of stakeholder consensus on the urgent need for improved PT pain education, high-level strategic priorities for action, and a national competency profile for entry-level PT pain management.
We will also discuss our ongoing preparations for rolling out the first national assessment of PT pain management competencies in Canada. Following the presentation, audience members will be invited join the discussion and ask any questions they may have about this project.
Speakers: Tim Wideman and Nathan Augeard
Webinar Details:
- Date: September 27, 2021
- Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EDT
- Price: Free for CPA members; $20 for non-CPA members
Note: You can find the full Virtual Summit Webinar Series Schedule here.
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The instructors