Changing Parkinson’s: Physiotherapist-Led Exercise as a Primary Treatment

Changing Parkinson’s: Physiotherapist-Led Exercise as a Primary Treatment
1 hour
The instructors
Research showing the benefits of exercise as a primary treatment for Parkinson’s Disease has exploded over the last 5 years. As physiotherapists our expertise is integral in providing effective functional exercise for this population. This presentation/practical will aim to update therapists on the current research regarding exercise and the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and provide tools that can be immediately applied to clinical practice.
Relevance to Physiotherapy Practice
As Physiotherapists we are considered front line experts in the areas of human movement and exercise. Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease and it is estimated that the number of Canadians over 65 living with PD will more than double by 20311. As therapists this means that we can expect to encounter significantly higher numbers of these clients in both public health, and private practice settings over the coming years. Given the multitude of recent studies regarding the disease modifying benefits of exercise on Parkinson’s it is integral that we as therapists are up to date on our clinical and “best practice” knowledge and understand how to translate this research into effective client treatment. It is our responsibility as clinicians to educate our clients on the importance of exercise and design effective and individualized programs to help manage their symptoms and mitigate disease progression. This population presents a clear opportunity to apply our expertise and use functional movement strategies to optimize Neuroplastic change in the brain and improve both motor and non-motor symptoms for these clients. In doing this we can also significantly contribute to falls reduction and client independence therefore reducing the immense healthcare costs associated with this progressive condition.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will be able to explain and discuss the current research regarding exercise and physiotherapy treatment as a primary factor in the management of Parkinson’s Disease including the basic neurophysiology of how exercise effects this population.
- Participants will be able to describe the primary components which should be included in an effective Parkinson’s exercise treatment plan.
- Participants will leave with at least 3 functional exercises they can use in clinical practice and will have an understanding of how to build upon these using effective and specific principles relevant to this population.
Naomi Casiro is a Physiotherapist and the founder of NeuroFit BC, a Parkinson's only physiotherapy practice. She is a certified PWR! Therapist and has completed both basic and advanced postgraduate training in the Bobath concept. Naomi is an educator for clinicians on the topic of treating Parkinson's both at UBC and through her course "Changing Parkinson's: Exercise as a Primary Treatment". She has a background in Kinesiology and Personal Training and strives to combine the worlds of exercise and rehab to give patients a more effective approach to health and recovery. Naomi is currently running both group and 1:1 Parkinson’s treatment programs and aims to open Vancouver’s first Neuro-Gym to specifically service PD and Stroke patients in the future.TitleChanging Parkinson’s: Physiotherapist-Led Exercise as a Primary TreatmentStreamNeurologySummaryResearch showing the benefits of exercise as a primary treatment for Parkinson’s Disease has exploded over the last 5 years. As physiotherapists our expertise is integral in providing effective functional exercise for this population. This presentation/practical will aim to update therapists on the current research regarding exercise and the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and provide tools that can be immediately applied to clinical practice.
The instructors