Building a Better Classroom - Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Through Narratives

Building a Better Classroom - Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Through Narratives
1 hour
The instructors
Registration for this webinar is FREE for CPA Members, $20 for non-CPA members!
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Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the physiotherapy learning environment will be explored and contextualized in this session through personal narratives. Light will be shed on the experiences of marginalized people that, though not uncommon, often go untold. Practical approaches will be provided for feasible and concrete applications of EDI. This will be done through structural and interpersonal levels: from curriculum revisions and setting up support systems, to techniques to respond and support students disclosing a case of mistreatment.
Christine and Amy are physiotherapy students at McGill University’s School of Physical and Occupational Therapy (SPOT). They initiated an open letter addressed to SPOT directors calling for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) actions, which garnered over 200 signatures by students, faculty, and alumni.
Christine Wang (she/her) is a cis, queer, disabled, Asian first-generation immigrant. Christine is a founding member of the McGill BIPOC Grad Network and is currently doing research on the experiences of racialized PT students in Canada with intersectional identities.
Amy Runlan Gan (she/they) is Canadian-Chinese and currently identity-questioning. Amy is the VP Wellness & Equity for the SPOT student association, with previous experience as Co-Philanthropy representative and as a core member of the McGill undergraduate student society’s equity committee.
Webinar Details:
- Date: Monday, May 31, 2021
- Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EDT
- Price: Free for CPA members; $20 for non-CPA members
Note: You can find the full Virtual Summit Webinar Series Schedule here.
The instructors