Orthopaedic Division Grand Rounds - Round 3

Orthopaedic Division Grand Rounds - Round 3
1 hour 30 minutes
During this session, a patient with persistent craniofacial/temporomandibular pain will be presented. The panel will discuss clinical diagnoses and treatment strategies. Audience participation is encouraged.
The Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds is presented by the Adjunct Education Committee of the National Orthopaedic Division.
You can find all recorded Grand Round sessions from the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA here.
Case Presenter:
Blayne Burrows, PT
Blayne graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2007 and began clinical practice in Saskatoon. In 2012, she completed her MClSc at Western University and obtained her FCAMPT credentials. In 2019, Blayne became an instructor in AIM for the National Orthopaedic Division (NOD) of the CPA. She also has been a clinical mentor for AIM, Western University and University of British Columbia.
She is the past Vice-Chair and Secretary of the NOD, and past Senior Editor of the Orthopaedic Division Review. She is currently Chair of the NOD Adjunct Education Committee and sits on the Manual Therapy Steering Committee of the CPA. Blayne has a special interest in temporomandibular dysfunction, orofacial and craniofacial pain, and has assisted in the TMJ lab at the School of Dentistry at the University of Alberta
Richard Bourassa, PT
Richard Bourassa is the senior partner at Bourassa and Associates Rehabilitation Centre. He is also the provincial WCB Rehabilitation Consultant.
Pertinent credentials include: Bachelor of Physical Therapy; Master of Science; Clinical Associate Professor School of Physical Therapy, University of Saskatchewan; Part-time Clinical Instructor, College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan; Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy; Fellow Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy (FCAMT); Retired (in 2020 after 15 years) Chief Examiner - Orthopaedic Division of the CPA. Senior Instructor - Orthopaedic Division of the CPA.
He is the recipient of the Golden Hands Award (Award of the National Orthopaedic Division to an exceptional orthopaedic physiotherapist that exemplifies the commitment to our profession in manual therapy, education, mentorship and research).
Vince Cunanan, PT
Vince is an established clinician in Kelowna, BC, who has worked in private practice for 20 years. He practices with special interest in temporomandibular joint dysfunction, orofacial pain, spinal disorders, and headache. He is the Clinic Director of Sun City Physiotherapy. Beyond clinical practice, Vince is an instructor and clinical mentor with the National Orthopaedic Division (NOD). He also serves as the Okanagan Director for the PABC Board of Directors. He is the past Chair of the NOD.
Vince has been recognized by the Saskatchewan Physiotherapy Association, with a Continuing Physical Therapy Education Award of Merit in 2015. He has been acknowledged and regarded as a top 10 health practitioner in “Now’s Best of Kelowna” in 2016, 2019, and 2020. He was awarded the CPA Mentorship Award in 2020. He recognizes his privilege to be able to serve his community. His pathway has been shaped through collaboration and mentorship. It’s his desire to reciprocate and afford to others, what has been provided for him.
Anita Gross, PT
Anita Gross is a clinician-scientist, educator, and orthopaedic manipulative physical therapist (OMPT). She received a BScPT from U of T (1984), a Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy from Curtain University Australia (1987), Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Therapy and FCAMPT (1990), a Masters from McMaster University (1994), and the Lifetime Membership Award from CAMPT (2019).
She is an Associate Clinical Professor at McMaster University, the coordinator of the OMPT field of study in Rehabilitation Sciences at McMaster University. She is also a lecturer at Western and the Orthopaedic Division of CPA. Her research focus is on Neck Pain and TMJ. She coordinates two research groups: 1) the Cervical Overview Group (11 Cochrane and 4 other systematic reviews on neck pain) and 2) the Head and Neck, Arm, Hand Research Group.
Anita has 120 peer reviewed publications, has been Principal/co-investigator on 30 grants and has been an invited speaker at 20 international events. Her clinical work focuses on the TMJ, neck and spine care. She was a member of the international consensus panel for a TMJ Delphi study and the APTA Neck Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines 2017 update.
Janet Holly, PT
Janet has been working for 30 years in the public sector having started her career in acute orthopaedics and moved rather rapidly into the world of complex pain ( i.e. persistent pain, CRPS, plexus injuries, peripheral nerve injuries, pain in the presence of other comorbidities). She graduated from McMaster with a BHScPT as well as a Master of Science. In 2012, she completed her Clinical Specialization in Pain Sciences. She has a special interest in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Clinically, she uses virtual reality with CRPS, pain and comorbid concussion and persistent pain with PTSD and is researching the effectiveness of virtual reality with CRPS. Her team is also using big data and machine learning research in order to tailor and maximize outcomes with the use of virtual reality in conditions with autonomic dysfunction. She is the present Chair of the Pain Science Division, member of the Orthopaedic Division/Global Health Divisions and member of the International Research Consortium for CRPS.
The instructors

The Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association helps our members improve their skills and service delivery through education, resources and networking.
With a reputation built on excellent instructors and a rigorous examination process, the Division offers tailored online e-learning, webinars, workshops, courses and practice resources for members at a reasonable cost and time commitment. Members learn from other practicing physiotherapists and stay current with a regularly updated curriculum and program delivery based on providing quality and modern treatment.