Navigating the Pelvic Pain Client in a Telerehab World

Navigating the Pelvic Pain Client in a Telerehab World
1 hour
The instructors
This 1-hour webinar will focus on navigating pelvic pain in a telerehab (telehealth) world.
Pelvic pain could be caused for a number of different reasons, descriptions well beyond the scope of this webinar, but it is important to know that via telehealth, we are able to see these clients who many once thought were only treatable in person.
In this webinar, we will dive into pain science and understand what chronic pain is, identify how telehealth can be one of the best options at varying points in the care of these clients, and determine appropriate screening and assessment methods for these clients.
- Identify what pelvic pain is and how it can affect individuals
- Identify why telehealth is a viable tool for addressing pelvic pain issues
- Introduce pain science models and understand why this knowledge is instrumental in treating the pelvic health client
- Introduce ways to effectively screen the pelvic pain clients
The instructors

Dr. Juan Michelle Martin, PT, DPT is a licensed physical therapist and the owner of JMM Health Solutions, a private practice in the Atlanta Metro area where she brings over 15 years of clinical experience. Dr. Martin specializes in pelvic health for both adults and children with a background also as a doula and sex counselor, placing her at the center of pelvic, perinatal and sexual health and wellness.
Dr. Martin has been incorporating virtual care in her practice for at least 7-8 years now and has been able to address pelvic issues and achieve positive outcomes and reach patient goals via the virtual platform. She is the creator of the Zero to Telehealth program and has coached hundreds of professionals, both clinicians and practice owners, on how to utilize and integrate telehealth and virtual care into their practice models.
She has shared her expertise in many domains, including industry events such as The APTA’s Private Practice Section conference, university guest lectures, national and international talks, workshops and webinars geared towards clinicians. Dr. Martin serves as a member of the Southeastern Telehealth Resource Center (SETRC) telehealth task force since 2019, to assist in language regarding telehealth/ telemedicine as well as implementation of telehealth in a variety of medical and allied healthcare practices within the region and beyond. She has also consulted for school based programs and rural maternal health programs regarding delivery of care.
In addition to her work in telehealth, Dr. Martin is heavily involved in perinatal work within her community. She is an instructor for the Academy of Pelvic Health's obstetrics courses (APTA) and teaches in 2 doula certification trainings, The Pelvic PT Doulas and The National Black Doulas Association.