Preparing for the Practical Component of the Canadian Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE)

Preparing for the Practical Component of the Canadian Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE)
1 hour
The instructors
We will be streaming the webinar to our Facebook page so you can watch it live here if you don't get a seat in the webinar room.
In an effort to abide by physical distancing guidelines, the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators has recently announced that the Clinical Component of the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) will now be delivered on a virtual platform. Historically, this exam has been conducted using an in-person, hands-on format throughout a multitude of locations across the country. Now, all PCE candidates will be required to challenge this exam from home.
Given the circumstances, many Canadian physiotherapy students and residents have expressed feelings of uncertainty about how to approach and prepare for the exam. As past PCE-takers ourselves, we understand that and we’re here to help you to the best of our ability.
During this 60-minute webinar, we aim to provide you with some guidance and advice that will help you navigate the new-look PCE.
The topics we’ll be covering are as follows:
- Comparing and contrasting the old and new PCE format
- The “low hanging fruit” – i.e., the easy marks you can get on any station
- How to avoid getting flagged with a critical incident
- Big themes vs. minutia – a review of some high-yield skills and concepts to focus on
- Communication tips
- Establishing a healthy work-study balance
- Types of stations to anticipate
- How to practice effectively
- Our test day tips checklist
- Tech tips
- A sample virtual clinical PCE case
You won’t want to miss this! Register below (you must be signed into Embodia to register).
WARNING: Space is limited to the first 500 registrants.
We will be streaming the webinar to our Facebook page so you can watch it live here if you don't get a seat in the webinar room.
The webinar will be recorded and we will provide the recording for free to all new grads.
The instructors

MScPT, Hons. BA Kin
Anthony grew up in Georgetown, Ontario where he spent the majority of his time playing a variety of organized team sports. As a result, Anthony combined his love for activity and passion for helping others to pursue a career in physical therapy. Anthony graduated with a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from Queen's University in 2019, following an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology from Western University in 2017.
Clinically, Anthony works in both the private and public health spheres. He currently works at a clinic called Leaps & Bounds: Performance Rehabilitation in Oakville, Ontario, where he treats all types of individuals with orthopaedic conditions. When he's not in the clinic, he divides his time between working in the surgery unit at Credit Valley Hospital and working as a casual therapist for Halton Healthcare's three-hospital system.
Outside of practice, Anthony manages his YouTube channel and Instagram page called "The Canadian Physio Student." He created this social media platform in order to (1) answer common questions and concerns of prospective PT students in Canada, and (2) provide insight into what it's like to be a Canadian PT student. Through social media, he's been able to coach and mentor hundreds of current and future PT students, and hopes to continue to do so for many years to come.

PT, B.Kin (Hons), M.Sc.(PT), M.Cl.Sc., FCAMPT
Erik is an experienced and dynamic physiotherapist who has attained advanced training in manual therapy and the McKenzie MDT system.
He worked primarily with national-level athletes and closely with the local orthopedic surgeons. He is also a faculty member of NOSM (The Northern Ontario School of Medicine) where he lectures and hosts in-clinic orthopaedic mentorship for R1 and R2 physicians residents.
He now assists as an instructor to the program while concurrently qualifying to become a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manual Therapists, an internationally recognized, highest possible Canadian designation.