Physiotherapist-led Chronic Pain Self-Management Support with Pain Science Education & Exercise in Primary Care: The Evidence, Experiences with Delivery, and Innovations

Physiotherapist-led Chronic Pain Self-Management Support with Pain Science Education & Exercise in Primary Care: The Evidence, Experiences with Delivery, and Innovations
1 hour
The instructors
The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) is hosting its first-ever Virtual Summit on Nov 20-21, 2020. This summit will bring together the physiotherapy community to build connections and to look toward the future of the profession. Leading up to the CPA Virtual Summit, we will be running the Virtual Summit Series - a series of live online webinars that will cover a variety of topics and areas of interest. This entire series is free for CPA Members!
Registration for the CPA Virtual Summit Series is FREE for CPA Members, $20 for non-CPA members. Register directly on this webinar page!
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Topic:Physiotherapist-led Chronic Pain Self-Management Support with Pain Science Education & Exercise in Primary Care: The Evidence, Experiences with Delivery, and Innovations
Speakers: Dr. Jordan Miller, Kyle Vader, Emily Brewer
Session Description: This session will describe the development of a physiotherapist-led chronic pain self-management program, evidence from a randomized controlled trial evaluating its effectiveness, results of a qualitative knowledge translation study of physiotherapist experiences with delivery, and an innovative new project evaluating whether a physiotherapist-led chronic pain self-management program can improve outcomes for people with chronic pain who are undergoing opioid deprescription.
Date: Monday, January 11, 2021
Time:7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Jordan Miller is a physiotherapist and Assistant Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy at Queen’s University. His research focuses on pain, primary health care, and knowledge translation. He is currently principal investigator of a clinical trial determining the impact of a physiotherapist-led primary care model for back pain, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Miller is also past Chair of the Pain Science Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
Emily Brewer is a physiotherapy resident at Providence Healthcare in Scarborough and recent graduate of the Master of Science in Physical Therapy Program at Queen’s University. Prior to completing her clinical training, Emily obtained a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree from the University of British Columbia.
Kyle Vader is a physiotherapist at Kingston Health Sciences Centre and PhD student in Rehabilitation Science under the supervision of Dr. Jordan Miller at Queen's University. His research focuses on pain, rehabilitation, and primary health care. Kyle is currently supported by a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D) from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
You can find the full Virtual Summit Webinar Series Schedule here
You can find out more information on the CPA Virtual Summit here
Sujet : Le soutien de l’autogestion de la douleur chronique par un physiothérapeute avec l’éducation sur la science de la douleur et l’exercice dans les soins primaires : données probantes, expériences avec la prestation et les innovations
Conférenciers : Dr. Jordan Miller, Kyle Vader, Emily Brewer
Description de la séance : Cette séance décrira l’élaboration d’un programme d’autogestion de la douleur chronique par un physiothérapeute, des données probantes d’un essai clinique randomisé pour en évaluer l’efficacité, les résultats d’une étude qualitative de transmission des connaissances d’expériences de physiothérapeutes avec la prestation et un nouveau projet novateur qui évalue si un programme d’autogestion de la douleur chronique par un physiothérapeute peut améliorer les résultats pour les gens souffrant de douleur chronique qui suivent actuellement une déprescription d’opioïdes.
Date : lundi 11 janvier 2021
Heure : 19 h 00 – 20 h 00 HE
Inscription: Gratuite pour les membres de l’ACP; 20 $ pour les non-membres de l’ACP.
The instructors