Treating the Patient as if Their Nervous System Really Mattered with Diane Jacobs

Treating the Patient as if Their Nervous System Really Mattered with Diane Jacobs
1 hour 30 minutes
The instructors
Dermoneuromodulating (DNM) is a method for handling the human body and, most of all, its nervous system, in order to facilitate change, particularly in terms of its pain and motor outputs. DNM will not replace everything therapists have already learned, but it may provide a new conceptual container for it. At the very least it provides the participant with a novel approach to handling that is patient‑ and nervous system‑friendly.
Light and interactive, DNM ignores musculoskeletal structure and instead targets pain directly, by focusing on the nervous system, continuous from skin cell to sense of self, directly. The only “structures” considered in any depth will be skin and the cutaneous nerve, long ignored in manual therapy ‑ participants will be exposed, perhaps for the first time , to the extensive branched system that innervates skin.
DNM will provide participants with:
- An expanded frame through which they can set up the all-important treatment relationship
- Assess patients and their pain problems from the brain’s perspective
- Teach the patient about pain production without faulting them
- Recruit their cooperation for manual handling, and
- Put patients in charge of their own recovery.
DNM is based on Melzack’s Neuromatrix framework of pain as output, the most clinically useful pain model in existence from an interactive manual therapy standpoint. Persisting pain is the reason most patients come to see a manual therapist.
DNM is a fully interactive treatment model: unlike a strictly operative model, in which, for example, biomechanical “faults” must be found, then “corrected”, DNM considers biomechanical expression as defense, not defect. We put “pain” first; i.e., we put the nervous system of the patient (not their anatomy), and their own subjective complaint, their own interoceptive reality, front and center in the treatment encounter; we add a bit of strategic novel stimuli, then we wait a few minutes, and allow the nervous system to self‑regulate. The subsequent improvement in motor output is assessed and regarded as a sign that the nervous system now works with less intrinsic stress.
This FREE 90-minute live online session with Diane Jacobs will serve as an introduction to dermoneuromodulating and how to incorporate it into clinical practice.
The instructors

Diane Jacobs graduated from U. Sask with a physiotherapy diploma in 1971, started using manual therapy in 1983, and went solo in 1994. She has been interested in pain science and working cutaneous nerves into the manual therapy story since 1998; she calls this ‘dermoneuromodulating’.
She helped to found the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Pain Science Division in 2009 and served on it until 2014.
In 2016 she published a book, DermoNeuroModulating. She retired in 2020 from practice and teaching, but still answers questions and maintains a DNM Facebook group.