Communication Strategies to Support Client/Patient Behaviour Change

Communication Strategies to Support Client/Patient Behaviour Change
1 hour
The instructors
The basic concept behind The Monarch System’s Motivational Interviewing (MI) presentations and workshops is to enhance the impact you have on your patients/clients via adding MI tools, skills, and communication strategies that complement your knowledge base in your particular health profession. More can be found about our approach at:
Learning Objectives:
- Some evidence-based, effective ways to communicate with clients/patients to foster their behaviour change;
- How “not to” communicate with clients/patients, if the goal is behaviour change; and
- How effective communication with clients/patients benefits both clients/patients and providers.
Speaker's Biography:
Dr. Jennifer Irwin
Dr. Jennifer Irwin is a health behaviourist and Full Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Western University. She is a multi-award-winning teacher at the Faculty, University, and Provincial levels and widely published researcher. During her two-plus decades on faculty at UWO she has taught in excess of 10,000 undergraduate and a few hundred graduate students. With 100+ peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 books, and 120 invited talks, Dr. Irwin is most proud of her work collaborating with others who are working to make our world a healthier and better place. She is passionate about kindness, collaboration, and each of us doing our part to support one another. Her research focusses primarily on the application of motivational interviewing and coaching on health-related behaviours, including obesity prevention and treatment, tobacco cessation, stress management, and the promotion of physical activity and healthy dietary intake behaviours.
***Webinar is FREE for all Orthopaedic Division Members***
Orthopaedic Division Members: Check your email for the link to access this Webinar for FREE –> Subject Line “Free Webinar: Communication Strategies to Support Client/Patient Behaviour Change”
The instructors