Simplifying the Foot and Ankle - the EEMO Approach - Sponsored by the Orthopaedic Division

Simplifying the Foot and Ankle - the EEMO Approach - Sponsored by the Orthopaedic Division
1 hour
The instructors
The cause of a patient's foot pain, especially if chronic, can be difficult to diagnose. Treatment of this complicated region may require patient education, exercise, manual therapy, and other adjunctive therapies such as tape and modalities.
You Will Learn:
- To develop clinical reason skills that enable the clinician to determine the cause of the foot pain.
- To implement a multi-modal treatment approach to foot pain.
The Details:
When: Thursday, Apr 23, 2020 - 20:00 pm (EDT).
Where: Online - join from anywhere! Once you register you will receive instructions on how to join.
Who: All health and fitness professionals.
What: Those who join the webinar will be able to ask Jill Robertson questions directly.
Speaker's Biography:
Jill Robertson - BSc (PT) 1987, MSc (PT) 2001. Instructor for the Orthopaedic Division of CPA from 1996-Present. Chief Examiner for the Orthopaedic Division of CPA from 1996-Present. Part-time Academic Instructor at Dalhousie University 1990-present. Jill was fortunate to take foot courses from Deb Treloar and Erl Pettman in BC om the late 1980s. When Jill began teaching the good on the Orthopaedic Division level courses she realized how many physiotherapists were uncomfortable with this region. She began teaching 1 and 2-day courses on the foot to fulfil this need in Atlantic Canada.
***Orthopaedic Division Members: Check your email for the link to access this Webinar for FREE.***
The instructors